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Angie and Zach re the winners of this months “$100 Date Night Giveaway”. Followers of our various social media channels can enter to win an accessible dinner date night for 2 on us, every month! We are thrilled that Angie and Zach got to experience a night out that they normally would not be able to.

From Angie “We had such an amazing weekend! So far, we have had great dinner, right on the water! We rolled up to a wonderful river front restaurant, beautiful table facing the water. We both ordered the surf and turf! We are rarely splurge on meals like this. It was such a treat!Zach loved getting dressed up! We stayed in a hotel and woke up bright and early for my race where I assisted one of my patients across the finish line. Thank you for all that The WAGs of SCI have done to make this weekend possible. We are so thankful and appreciative.” .

Your purchases of WAGs SWAG & Good Karma Sisterhood Bracelets is exactly where your donations have gone. By donating you’re providing deserving couples living with an SCI a night on us- without the financial strain. As WAGs of SCI, we believe that love and dating is our number one priority. We believe in celebrating relationships and moments like these.

November is “CAREGIVER AWARENESS MONTH” and we plan to give many more date nights. Please spread the words and show the world that relationships after SCI are possible and can flourish. This is just one small piece of the puzzle. Thank you for supporting this incredible sisterhood of fierce women. 🥰🙏


Learn about what your donations  and purchases of our merchandise can do to help support a couple affected by paralysis