WAGS of SCI Co-Founders Brooke Pagé and Elena Pauly were recently guests on The Washington Post Live panel discussion on the Caregiving Crisis in the world happening now post pandemic
Education + Consulting
The WAGS of SCI Founders are passionate about bringing their perspective and insights into the disability community via panel discussions, speaking engagements and research publication contributions.
Contribute To The Cause
The WAGS community is a completely independent group that is supported by its members and their networks. We have various ways each member can contribute in order to keep this group going!
Since 2017
As WAGS of SCI (Wives and Girlfriends of Spinal Cord Injury) we have a unique roll in our relationships. Not only are we lovers, we also have the role of being caregivers to our injured partners. We wear many hats, and our relationships are anything but "normal" in the eyes of the world.
In the SCI community there is a vast amount of resources, classes, tools and support for the injured person, but we found that there was nothing out there exclusively for US, the romantic partner. Sure there are support groups out there for friends, family and loved ones combined, but there truly was nothing out there supporting our unique dynamic. We deal with situations that are completely different than most couples, and a lot of us find that no one out there understands.. except another WAG in the same situation. Whether it is medical, sexual, romantic, physical or emotional, our needs are complex and sometimes just being able to relate to another woman in our shoes is worth so much.
Our goals in this community is to raise our profile and voice, and provide much needed support and sisterhood to women all over the world dealing with the injury of their partners. Encouraging, understanding and empowering our sisterhood is our number one goal. We never want another WAG of SCI to feel alone again!

Looking to connect with us or another WAG of SCI in your city or area? Searching for sisterhood in our community? Just need to talk to someone? Connect with us anytime!