The WAGS of SCI Founders Brooke and Elena Are Passionate About Engaging Audiences Worldwide About Caregivers Issues After Spinal Cord Injury

In The Above Photo: the WAGS of SCI Founders Brooke Pagé (L at table) and Elena Pauly (R at table) present with Dr Denise Fyffe (standing) about Advocating For Caregivers Needs at ASCIP 2024 in Chicago

In The Above Photo: Dr. Denise Fyffe of the Kessler Institute Presents Research With Elena Pauly and Brooke Pagé At The ACRM In 2023

In The Above Photo: Brooke Pagé And Elena Pauly Discuss The Caregiving Crisis Post Covid With The Washington Post LIVE in 2022
Since 2017, the WAGS of SCI founders Brooke and Elena have been passionate about providing insight and perspective into the world of caregiving and disabilities in order to facilitate change.
The importance of caregiver education in the world of disability is extremely important, because most studies, programs and information available is outdated, and sometimes fails to even consider caregivers rights or needs. This can make our niche community members feel isolated and unheard.
The WAGS of SCI are committed to changing perceptions, breaking barriers, and promoting mental, physical and emotional wellness in the disability and caregiving communities worldwide. We have a unique, powerful but under-utilized voice in the community that needs to be recognized and heard.
Brooke and Elena have extensive experience presenting to groups large and small, as well as consulting on various disability/caregiver projects. They are available for:
- Speaking engagements
- Consulting on research publications
- Corporate consulting for disability/caregiver inclusion and awareness in the workplace
- Research guidance and facilitation for quantitative/qualitative scientific studies
- Panel discussion contributors for awareness events
- Inclusion in the classroom: interactive presentations about disability, caregiving, and the "inter-abled" lifestyle for school programs
- Policy guidance and advocacy
Scientific Studies + Research Publications
Brooke and Elena currently are consultants/co-chairs on various scientific studies about the needs and wellbeing of caregivers. They are currently panelists and contributing consultants in studies aimed at providing caregiver wellness programs and resources in hospitals and rehabilitation centres in both Canada and the United States. Their expertise will be used in designing evidence based online tools that caregivers will be able to use to help them find balance and guidance after their partners sustain a spinal injury.
If you are interested in the WAGS of SCI as contributors for a future study or publication, please contact us via email at or via the link at the bottom of the page
Content Creation For Education and Awareness
The WAGS of SCI believe that spreading awareness about the needs of our community belongs in the hands of the women who are part of it. We provide Content Creation and educational insights to different platforms and causes worldwide, our aim is to expand the presence of our unique community while focusing on disability and caregiver rights.
If you are interested in learning more about WAGS of SCI's Content Creation, or if you would like an Ambassador to contribute to your disability cause locally, please email us at

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