Join us for another episode in our Mental Wellness series – this time, we discuss all about the unhealthy coping strategies we, as WAGS (and as human beings) have experienced in order to deal with our high stress lifestyles. Did these coping mechanisms help us or hinder us? Are you currently working through some unhealthy coping mechanisms or habits of your own right now?
Listen in as we talk about the (sometimes silly) and unconscious ways we dealt with the stress of being by our partners sides when they sustained their spinal cord injuries. We look back and analyze what was happening to our bodies physiologically, and from a place of learned wisdom, talk about what we would tell new WAGS now who are going through this. We then get into some easy tools to help reset your mind and body when in the stress cycle.
Join us next episodes in this series as we talk about how to “assemble” your own personal “Tool Kit” for stress and mindfulness to help you move out of survival states of being, and into a more relaxed and healthy lifestyle after severe stress.
This episode is sponsored by Robyn Wishart of Wishart Brain and Spine Law, the official legal advocate of WAGS of SCI. To learn more about what Robyn does for our community and how she can help you, visit our website here
This episode is also sponsored by Rolling In Paradise Sales, a WAG/Quad owned business specializing in adaptive equipment of all kinds including everyday wheelchairs, sport wheelchairs, off-road mobility, shower chairs, lifts and accessories! They are also a VA Approved business. Support your local WAG of SCI and visit John and Annalisa via their website HERE today!