WAGS of SCI: The Podcast
WAGS of SCI: The Podcast
WAGS of SCI: The Podcast - Ep. 53 - Navigating Insurance Effectively

Newsflash – Insurance companies will not tell you what you need – you have to figure that out for yourself! Join us as we sit down to discuss INSURANCE (government or private) and our tried and tested techniques for navigating any insurer with savviness and knowledge. Learn how to get the most out of your plan or program, and how to efficiently work with your case manager and platform to get more of what you or your partner really needs. We break down the most common mistakes that are made when working with your insurer, how to educate and inform yourself with the best tools, and how to build a solid understanding of the process (and avoid a tonne of frustration along the way!). If you’re interested in learning about how to properly appeal an insurance decision, please see our previous episode about Appeals!

This episode is sponsored by Wishart Brain and Spine Law https://brainandspinelaw.com. Robyn Wishart and her team of SCI Lawyers specialize in helping those who are injured live a life and NOT a claim and serve clients all over North America as advocates. To learn more about what Robyn is doing to help the WAGS of SCI community, visit our website or contact Wishart Law directly to discuss your claim for FREE.

Shout Out to Rebecca Minna of For The Love Of Parking https://www.fortheloveofparking.com, an advocacy platform dedicated to creating awareness and education around access for all. Rebecca is dedicated to changing ADA laws, but needs YOUR help! She also sells medical grade Percussor massage devices on her “shop” page (use code WAGSOFSCI for a discount!)  For more information visit https://www.fortheloveofparking.com and use the hashtag #DontParkLikeAPunk