WAGS of SCI: The Podcast
WAGS of SCI: The Podcast
WAGS of SCI: The Podcast - Ep. 29 - Dating After SCI: What YOU Need To Know!

To all our single male followers out there living with paralysis: this ones for YOU!

Over the years of running WAGS of SCI, we have received hundreds of messages from our single male followers with paralysis who want advice: What tips do you have for dating? How can I “get back out there” after my injury? Am I worthy of finding love? What advice do you have for finding a girlfriend or wife? Why don’t you start a dating app? These are just some of the questions surrounding dating post Spinal Cord Injury that got us thinking: why not do a podcast episode on this?

But..who are WE to give dating advice? Why should YOU listen to what we have to say? Well, over the years of running WAGS of SCI we have seen a lot. We have met thousands of men and women. We have been immersed in the world of love and relationships after SCI, and have learned a LOT. So now, we dig deep and discuss our views on dating and WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW from what we have seen, learned and experienced over the years.

So regardless of if you’re just beginning to step into the world of dating post SCI, or, if you have been trying to find Mrs. Right for a while now, this podcast is for you!

This episode is sponsored by Wishart Brain and Spine Law. Robyn Wishart and her team specialize in Spinal Cord Injury and Traumatic Brain Injuries and work all over North America to advocate for the seriously injured and their families. Visit their website here to learn how they can assist you and be sure to mention the WAGS of SCI.