
After reading many of your contributions, conversations & responses (on our private group page) - I feel the need to address something that connects all of us.

Firstly, you are not just a caregiver.

Secondly, let’s get real- not everyone can take on this role.

(I used to roll my eyes when people would tell me that. In fact, I still may).

I typically feel put off when people tell me..”you’re such a good person for sticking it out for your boyfriend”. I think most of us do... you know why? Because all it shows is how very brain washed and superficial our society has trained these people to be.

That being said, it just hit me.

You are not just a caregiver. In fact you are not by standard terms a care-giver. You are that one part of the population that CARES. It’s not a roll you just have. It’s who you are. You naturally have a very special gene that cares.

Some of us feel like we have to stick it out and some of us really want to stick it out. Regardless, we are all bonded and relate to each other because we CARE. It doesn’t mean “you’re a Saint”. It means you have something that not everyone is capable of experiencing or feeling to the extent that you unconsciously operate from.

And have a look around. The women here, do too.

  • Elena