This episode we interview New York Times Bestselling author and Reese’s Book Club member Eve Rodsky! Eve is a Harvard Law graduate who has written two NYT bestselling books “Fair Play” and “Unicorn Space” dedicated to helping women find balance in their households and within themselves. As a researcher, Eve has dedicated her career to helping women find solutions to the universal problem of unequal labor in the home front. When she herself was having trouble balancing her career, kids, domestic responsibilities and partnership, she knew she needed to find a solution to help ALL women find this balance. The result was the book and system called “Fair Play,” a system that offers couples a completely new way to divvy up domestic responsibilities. “Winning at this game means rebalancing your home life, reigniting your relationship with your significant other, and reclaiming your Unicorn Space – the time to develop the skills and passions that keep you interested and interesting. Stop drowning in to-do’s and lose some of that invisible workload that is pulling you down.“
We talk to Eve about caregiving and our WAGS community, and how we can apply her tips to our unique lives for balance. We could all learn a thing or two from Eve’s own personal experience with overwhelm, as well as all the amazing research she has done for women and couples worldwide. Enjoy this amazing episode!
You can find more information about Eve Rodsky on her website here and purchase her books wherever books are sold.
Follow Eve on Twitter here and on Instagram here
This episode is sponsored by Wishart Brain and Spine Law Robyn Wishart and her team of SCI Lawyers specialize in helping those who are injured live a life and NOT a claim and serve clients all over North America as advocates. To learn more about what Robyn is doing to help the WAGS of SCI community, visit our website or contact Wishart Law directly to discuss your claim for FREE.
Shout Out to Rebecca Minna of For The Love Of Parking, an advocacy platform dedicated to creating awareness and education around access for all. Rebecca is dedicated to changing ADA laws, but needs YOUR help! She also sells medical grade Percussor massage devices on her “shop” page (use code WAGSOFSCI for a discount!) For more information visit and use the hashtag #DontParkLikeAPunk
Contact the WAGS of SCI through their website for any questions or comments