WAGS of SCI: The Podcast
WAGS of SCI: The Podcast
WAGS of SCI: The Podcast - Ep.59- The Shift Is Real!

Looking around you, can you honestly say you know anyone who hasn’t been struggling mentally or emotionally since the pandemic began? Whether we want admit it or not – the changes in the world over the past two years have been staggering.. and everyone has changed inside somewhat. Whether you are (or have been) avoiding the pain, denying your own self care (sometimes without even knowing it), fearful, anxious or uncertain, this energy can be felt by everyone all over the world. It has not been pleasant, but, in darkness there is opportunity for new choices, growth, strength and resilience. Many of us have reconnected with our inner guidance system – you know.. the soft little voice of truth that has always been there that you may have lost or forgotten about many many times; A lot of us have shunned our feelings our whole lives, only to have them arise to be experienced and felt; Some of us have made major new life decisions and changed, and are now on a path of self realization that would not have happened had this pandemic shift not occurred. In our culture though, these monumental movements toward realizing who you truly are are not widely discussed.. so many people are focused on going back to “normal” although many now are seeing that that just is not possible (or ideal). The shift is REAL.

We have both shifted massively in many ways since the pandemic began, and we have (along with most of you) have experienced grief, fear, anger, loss and more while working to become the best versions of ourselves possible. We want to start talking about these things more, and challenge the conversations that are sometimes too difficult to have, but also so necessary.

Join us for this short episode about where WAGS of SCI is headed this fall and winter. We have events and discussions coming up that will support and empower you to become the best version of yourself possible, while showing you that you are NOT alone wherever you are at.

“In order to know the light, we must first experience darkness.” – Carl Jung

This episode is sponsored by Wishart Brain and Spine Law https://brainandspinelaw.com. Robyn Wishart and her team of SCI Lawyers specialize in helping those who are injured live a life and NOT a claim and serve clients all over North America as advocates. To learn more about what Robyn is doing to help the WAGS of SCI community, visit our website or contact Wishart Law directly to discuss your claim for FREE.

This episode is also sponsored by Rolling In Paradise, THE adaptive equipment company for people with disabilities. Owned and operated by a #Quadwife Annalisa and her husband, Quadriplegic John. You can visit their website at http://www.rollinginparadise.com and tell them the WAGS of SCI Sent you! Support your local disabled owned businesses!

Shout Out to Rebecca Minna of For The Love Of Parking https://www.fortheloveofparking.com, an advocacy platform dedicated to creating awareness and education around access for all. Rebecca is dedicated to changing ADA laws, but needs YOUR help! She also sells medical grade Percussor massage devices on her “shop” page (use code WAGSOFSCI for a discount!)  For more information visit https://www.fortheloveofparking.com and use the hashtag #DontParkLikeAPunk