WAGS of SCI: The Podcast
WAGS of SCI: The Podcast
WAGS of SCI: The Podcast - Ep. 37 - Accessibility: What Family, Friends And Your Community Need To Know

Most of us as WAGS of SCI have come close to our had a breakdown when it comes to the struggle with accessibility in the homes or businesses we frequent.

How many times have you had to sacrifice something access-wise in order to participate in a friend or family social event? How many times have you cried when you arrive at your “accessible” hotel room, or struggle with lack of access and equipment when visiting families homes? The unfortunate thing is, “access” is NOT a one size fits all word in our community. Each injury is different, and the needs are different for every single person.

So how can we as caregivers and partners to someone with a spinal cord injury educate our loved ones to help them to HELP us in an efficient and timely manner? How can we break the stigma of couples like us “making a big deal” without causing a scene, and actually making a change? Not speaking up, not asking for what you need, and not being calm and concise can not only create resentment within families and communities, but also create MORE stigmas and less change for future generations.

Join hosts Brooke and Elena as they discuss access, and their views and stories on “inaccessible accessible” homes, restaurants, hotels and more. How can we work as a community to educate society so that they know how to help when needed?

This episode is sponsored by Wishart Brain and Spine Law https://brainandspinelaw.com. Robyn Wishart and her team of SCI Lawyers specialize in helping those who are injured live a life and NOT a claim and serve clients all over North America as advocates. To learn more about what Robyn is doing to help the WAGS of SCI community, visit our website or contact Wishart Law directly to discuss your claim for FREE.

This episode is sponsored by Camp PossAbility , a camp for people with Spinal Cord Injuries AND their partners aged 18-40. This years Camp PossAbility is in Martinsville Indiana, and will be attended by couples from all over the United States. This week long camp hosts many adapted activities, and provides all its attendees with trained SCI assistants for BP, transfers, Skin checks and more (they even include medical supplies and equipment!). This is a great opportunity for WAGS to attend a unique getaway without worrying about the stress of caregiving so you can focus on romance and fun! This years Camp PossAbility runs from August 1st – 6th 2021, and registration opens February 1st. Limited spots available with financial aid and payment plans available for those who need it. The best part? Most of the Camp fee is taken care of by Camp PossAbility staff through grants and donations. For more information visit http://www.camppossability.org or email lauren@camppossability.org. You can also contact them via their Facebook and Instagram pages. 

Shout Out to Rebecca Minna of For The Love Of Parking https://www.fortheloveofparking.com, an advocacy platform dedicated to creating awareness and education around access for all. Rebecca is dedicated to changing ADA laws, but needs YOUR help! She also sells medical grade Percussor massage devices on her “shop” page (use code WAGSOFSCI for a discount!)  For more information visit https://www.fortheloveofparking.com and use the hashtag #DontParkLikeAPunk