Last episode we talked all about Gabapentin, and how it’s prescribed to virtually every single SCI patient at one point or another for neurological (nerve) pain. We exposed the lesser known side effects of this drug, and read some testimonials about it from real WAGS in this community. We put our critical thinking caps on, and encouraged everyone to do their own research on what this drug is all about and it’s mechanism of action as many do not know all about it.
THIS episode, we dig into some natural alternatives to Gabapentin, and discuss nerve pain – inflammatory pain – and how it plagues this community, regardless of what drugs are used for pain. One of the number one questions we get on the WAGS of SCI Private Discussion Group is “What can i give my partner to help his pain?? Nothing works!!”. SO, this episode is a discussion about some alternatives for YOU and your partner to look into if you so choose to do. We discuss the importance of nutrition and how it relates to inflammation and pain, natural supplements that WORK, essential oils, marijuana and some other good ideas to get those creative juices flowing in positive, healing directions!
*Please note that this podcast is for informative purposes only, and all medications should be researched for contraindications. Please inform your doctor if you plan on going on, switching, or going off any medications.
This episode is sponsored by Robyn Wishart of Wishart Brain and Spine Law, the official legal advocate of WAGS of SCI. To learn more about what Robyn does for our community and how she can help you, visit our website here
This episode is also sponsored by Rolling In Paradise Sales, a WAG/Quad owned business specializing in adaptive equipment of all kinds including everyday wheelchairs, sport wheelchairs, off-road mobility, shower chairs, lifts and accessories! They are also a VA Approved business. Support your local WAG of SCI and visit John and Annalisa via their website HERE today!