Guest Blogger

Caring For Your Children Following SCI

Robyn Wishart, the official legal advocate of the WAGS of SCI Community, weighs in on her advice for mothers who are also caregivers of someone with an SCI Caring for your children following a Spinal Cord injury. As a mother, you want to ensure your family receives the best care possible. Balancing work, household responsibilities, […]

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To The Person Trying To Hold Everything Together

To the person trying to hold everything together, First of all, I am sorry you are going through such a difficult time. Life is not fair and you are being faced with so much. Please know you are not alone. The first year is very difficult. The grief, the sadness, the fear and the unknown […]

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Caregiver Burnout (Guest Blogger)

Thank you to Wishart Brain and Spine Law for contributing this useful article about Caregiver Burnout.. yes.. its a very real, very under discussed issue in our community! Caregiver Burnout It is 6 am and your alarm clock is signaling the start of your day. There is no snooze option for you.  Long before anyone […]

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