Join hosts Brooke and Elena in part 2 of the discussion on Polyamorous and Open Relationships in the WAGS of SCI community! This episode we discuss the response we received from our followers after Part 1 aired. We read some comments and feedback from email and direct message and discuss the very interesting perspectives from some brave followers willing to share their experiences in the community.
This episode is sponsored by Robyn Wishart and her team at Wishart Brain and Spine Law. Robyn is the WAGS of SCI official advocate and serves to help WAGS and their partners in any way she can. To learn more about how Robyn can help you directly, visit our website here or HER website at brainandspinelaw.com
This episode is also sponsored by Rolling In Paradise, leaders North America wide of Adaptive Equipment and more! This business is owned and operated by a WAG of SCI Annalisa, and her Quadriplegic husband Jon. We LOVE supporting businesses like these, so next time you need a piece of equipment or supplies, head over to rollinginparadise.com and tell them the WAGS of SCI sent you!